Wednesday 2 October 2013

Casa De Mi Padre (4½ Stars)

Something about this film has fascinated me ever since I first saw a trailer on another DVD. Yes, I watch the trailers at the beginning of DVDs. On the one hand, it gives me a cinema feeling. On the other hand, sometimes I'm introduced to films I might have missed otherwise. I'm certainly glad that I was introduced to this masterpiece. I wouldn't have watched it normally, because I don't like Will Ferrell. I can't really explain why. Maybe it's the way he looks? Now I feel so shallow. I really ought to check out his other films, he could be a lot better than I thought.

The film was made in 2011, whatever the splash scene above might say. The lips belong to Christina Aguilera singing the title song. It's Will Ferrell's first Spanish language film, a spoof of the spaghetti western genre, though set in today's Mexico. Armando Alvarez is a well meaning but simple minded man who works on his father's ranch. His father's favourite son is his big brother Raul, a smart businessman who lives in the big city making a fortune. When Raul returns home to get married Armando discovers his secret: he is a drug dealer. The wedding turns into a bloodbath and a drugs war begins with Armando caught in the middle.

There are so many things that I like about the film that it's difficult to name them all. Time and time again elements of spaghetti westerns are recreated for comic effect. There are also grindhouse elements mixed in, and my readers all know that I love grindhouse.

An important thing for all serious film fans to note is that they shouldn't turn the film off as soon as the credits begin to roll. This film has two extra sequences, one during the credits and one after the credits. Don't miss out!

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