Monday 4 February 2013

The Life of Pi (4½ Stars)

I saw this film in the cinema today. I enjoyed it greatly, but I didn't see the spiritual aspects of the film until I sat and thought about it later. I need to watch it again before I write a longer review. I'll just make one comment now. Other reviewers write about the question of what really happened. As I see it, the whole point of the film is that it doesn't matter what really happened. When the writer sees Pi's wife and says "So the story has a happy ending", Pi replies "That's up to you. It's your story now". Believe what you will.

Click here to view the trailer. Despite the colourful images it fails to capture the essence of the film.

1 comment:

  1. I watched this on boxing day with my mother. Great film. I beleive in the tiger.


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