Friday 8 February 2013

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (4 Stars)

This is the first of the Harry Potter films, based on the book of the same name. In America both the book and the film are called "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The name was changed because the publisher thought that American children were too stupid to understand the original name of the book. They would think that the book is about philosophy, not magic. Since this statement was made by an American who obviously knows best I shan't argue with it.

The casting of the three main characters, Harry and his two friends Ron and Hermione, was either an act of inspiration or genius. It must have been immensely difficult to pick three children aged 11 who could be expected to act proficiently for the next eight to ten years. 12 years have now passed since the original film, and the success speaks for itself. Over the course of the eight films the three children developed into young men and women with enormous talent.

Of the other actors I'll just mention Maggie Smith. I was especially happy to see her in the role of Professor Minerva McGonagall. She already proved herself to be the perfect schoolteacher in "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie", made 30 years earlier. She now seems to be reprising her role.

Over the next few weeks I shall review some, maybe all of the Harry Potter films. I haven't read the books, so I'm in no way biased by having to compare the films with them. What I enjoyed most about the film I watched today was the school atmosphere. The concept of a traditional English school being used for teaching magic is splendid, and it was well realised. What I enjoyed least was the random silliness, such as the flying keys.

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