Monday 14 August 2017

Flag of the Week: Switzerland

Yesterday I got my first feedback on my flag of the week series, and it wasn't positive. A friend of mine said that she doesn't understand why I've been publishing pictures of flags, because flags are boring. That's just one opinion. I would like to hear what the rest of you think.

I like the geometric simplicity of flags. The Swiss flag has an abstract beauty. It says a lot by saying little. It's one of the world's most distinctive flags. It's a perfect square, unlike most other flags, which are rectangular. There are no fixed proportions or sizes for world flags. To take a few examples, the United Kingdom's flag is 1:2, the French flag is 2:3 and the German flag is 3:5.

Switzerland is one of the countries which is most obsessed with its flag. Americans like to have their flag on top of their buildings or on a flagpole in the garden. The Swiss scatter smaller flags throughout their houses.

I don't know what my next flag will be. I can't even say for certain that there will be a next flag. I'll just pick a few of my favourite flags for as long as the subject interests me.

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